research articles
Peer-reviewed Journals
Matsushima,M., Tatefuku, I., Isumi, A., & Yamauchi, N. (forthcoming) Genzai no Koufukudo to Shorai he no Kibou~Koufukudo Shihyou no Seisakuteki Katsuyou~ (Determinants on Present Happiness and Prospects for the Future: Policy Implication from Japanese Well-being Indicators), Nihon Keizai Kenkyu (Japan Economic Research). (in Japanese)
Working/Discussion Papers
Matsushima,M., Tatefuku, I., Isumi, A., & Yamauchi, N. (2013) Genzai no Koufukudo to Shorai he no Kibou~Koufukudo Shihyou no Seisakuteki Katsuyou~ (Determinants on Present Happiness and Prospects for the Future: Policy Implication from Japanese Well-being Indicators), New ESRI Working Paper No.27, Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office. (in Japanese)
book chapters
Isumi, A. (2013) SC to Koufukudo (Social Capital and Subjective Well-Being), in N. Yamauchi, T. Tanaka and N. Okuyama. (Eds.) The Japanese Nonprofit Almanac 2013, OSIPP Center for Nonprofit Research and Information. (in Japanese)
translated works
Isumi, A. (2013) Initial Investigation on the Results of Quality of Life Survey FY2011 (Online Survey). Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan.
other articles
2010 - present
2010 - present
Isumi, A. (2012) Dai 4 kai OECD Sekai Forum ni Sankashite: Koufukudosokutei wo Meguru Kokusaitekina Torikumi (Participating in the 4th OECD World Forum: Global Movement to Measure Subjective Well-Being). Japan NPO Research Association Newsletter, vol.14, no.3, pp. 14-15 (in Japanese).
Isumi, A. (2010) Staying Close to Your Grandchildren, North Carolina Parenting Education Network (NCPEN).
Isumi, A. (2010) Stress Management: Find Your Best Ways of Coping with Stress, NCPEN.
Isumi, A. (2010) Social Support: Build Supportive Relationships Within and Outside Family, NCPEN.
Isumi, A. (2010) Community Resources: Reach Out Services in Your Community, NCPEN.